Above & Beyond Associates work with Executives, Management, Team Management, Sales, Customer Service, and employees in a development process to improve business results. We use an approach based on a “Success Formula”, to help participants understand the difference between being “busy” and being “productive.”
The concept behind our approach is that an organization must have in place not only a well-honed “Strategic Planning Process”, but also a way to make the plans operational. In too many businesses we find that, even when the business has a strategic plan, any resemblance between what the plan says and the way its people are behaving on a day-to-day basis is strictly coincidental.
What is needed is a “Process” to drive the strategic goals down through the organization in such a way that all employees, at every level, know what those goals are, know their own role in achieving those goals, and effectively participate in that achievement.
A(SK) + GOALS = PBC — IR (O&P)
Above & Beyond Associates and the “Success Formula” underlie our selection of “Learning Methods” and additional support that works at the level of the individual to help “Your” organization to continuously improve business results today and thrive in the future.
Above & Beyond Associates development process is based upon the simple premise that if we want to achieve our goals to improve our results, then “we have to behave differently” – using skills and knowledge – but before we will consistently behave differently, we must adjust our attitudes to think about and see things differently.
At Above & Beyond, we make a distinction between training and development. We believe that training (or education) involves the dissemination of information in order to “teach” someone a new skill or provide knowledge in an “intellectual understanding”. “Development”, on the other hand, is getting people to use their skills, abilities, and training more often and more effectively.
Our development process is based on the premise that one cannot simply “teach” someone to become an excellent executive, manager, or customer service provider but one can direct an individual in the development of both attitudes and behaviors that are reflective of sound, professional, and interpersonal skills.