Strategies and Solutions to Drive Results

A (S + K) + GOALS = PBC -> IR


(A) ATTITUDE ~ Our attitudes are Habits of Thought and are a function of our Values (v+b) Beliefs. Nearly 95% of our Attitudes were developed by the time we were 5 years old and are predominately negative in nature. Attitudes are our “Want to Improve Results and combined with Skills, Knowledge and Goals enabling us to drive for a Positive Behavior Change.

S & K ~ We all need skills and knowledge in both our professional and personal lives. They address the How (skills) and the Where and When (knowledge).

GOALS ~ Are crucial to successfully achieving improved results. Because goals only address the “What” and “Why”, they alone will not get us there.

(PBC) POSITIVE BEHAVIOR CHANGE ~ Positive Behavior Change drive Improved Results. It is important to focus on the positive aspects of behavior change since over 75% of our attitudes are based on negative influence in our lives.

(IR) IMPROVED RESULTS ~ Organizational and / or personal – this is our ultimate outcome.

88%(f)c ~ As much as 88% of our decisions are made below the conscience level – a function of prior conditioning. We don’t even think about how we do most things (tying our shoes, driving a car, etc.) including those that hinder us from achieving our goals.