Team Leadership is the primary link between Executive Leadership and the line employees. They communicate upper management’s goals to those people who must somehow accomplish those goals. They facilitate the processes that keep the business operating. They select employees and handle personnel issues.
The decisions they make each day affect profits, attitudes, and morale. Team Leadership, ultimately, determine whether the business will succeed or fail. Still, most of team leaders rise from within the ranks. They excel in a particular area and are promoted in recognition of their excellent work. It is simply assumed that because they excelled in the first area, they will very naturally make an excellent team leader. That is probably true assuming they are trained for their new role, which is very different than the role they played as a worker!
The Team Leader role requires exceptional communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills, and the ability to motivate others, and have an open mind, all the skills that may not have been as critical in their former position. It requires looking at the big picture rather than just their small piece of the operation. It also challenges them to grow and stretch beyond the responsibilities they held as a worker in their previous role.
Our program for Team Leadership development is a structured, open ended, pragmatic approach. It does not teach specific skill sets, but rather engages each individual in a process of personal and professional growth. It is an on going developmental process.
When your organization’s team leadership are comfortable and effective in their roles, productivity and profits for your company will soar!!!
Our program is designed for those who manage the people who do the work and focuses on many key Team Leadership areas:
- The Successful Team Leader
- You and Yourself
- Confidence
- Leading For Results